It's no secret that Pagans love to celebrate, and as the Wheel of the Year turns, each month brings new milestones and times to reflect. Each is a time for gathering together with friends and family, working on our spiritual development, feasting and merrymaking! The following is a list of dates for September 2017
- 1st: Celtic Tree Month of Hazel ends
- 2nd: Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins
- 5th: Mercury goes direct in Leo
- 6th: Full Moon -- Harvest Moon at 3:04 am. This a season to celebrate hearth and home. Brew up some comfort food, begin storing your harvest for the winter, and settle in for a month of thanksgiving.
- 10th: Birthday of Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
- 14th: Birthday of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, author of Three Books on Occult Philopsopy, in 1486
- 14th: Birthday of author Ellen Dugan
- 21st: International Day of Peace
- 22nd: Mabon, the autumn equinox (Northern Hemisphere)
- 22nd: Ostara (Southern Hemisphere), the spring equinox
- 29th: Celtic Tree Month of Vine ends
- 30th: Celtic Tree Month of Ivy begins
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