Dragon Star Creations - Behind the Scenes.
Dragon Star Creations is the creative outlet for artist and designer Melanie Fuller. In this article she speaks about her creative inspiration, where her business began and where it is headed.
When did you become an artist?
My artistic ability surfaced early in grade school and I started private art lessons in second grade. I started with pencil, then charcoal and by fourth grade was working with oil paints. I must have driven my parents crazy because if it stood still, I either drew or painted on it. I was forever in my father’s tool chest, building or designing something. Like many other creative people, it is just something that I was born with.
How has your art developed over time?
During my life, I have had many different creative outlets and worked with many different artistic mediums. I love to learn so I'm sure I will always be exploring new ways to create. One thing that has always held true is my interest in all things Magical, Medieval and Fantasy. As a child my interest in dinosaurs quickly evolved to dragons and the love affair has never ended.
Why did you start Dragon Star Creations?
I actually have a background in traditional retail and had the dream of opening my own business from a young age. I love business and sometimes wonder if I should have gone to college for business instead of art! :) What really helped get the business off the ground was a local Renaissance Faire. I got a booth, filled it with my handmade products and the rest, as they say, is history.
What do you love the most about your business?
Being able to be creative for a living is a wonderful thing but the best part is when something you sold becomes a cherished object for someone else. I know that I have created items that will be loved and this to me is a great honor. I've always said that I have the most excellent customers and I've been blessed to meet so many, on line and also in person.
What challenges does your business currently face?
My biggest challenge currently is time. There simply isn't enough of it. Since I alone hand make my products, as demand goes up, I am finding it increasingly difficult to create new designs and products. I am currently acquiring some new tools that should help streamline some of my work.
Where is Dragon Star Creations headed?
I have been working over the past year to expand my outlets. In 2013 I started selling my hand made products on Etsy at http://www.dragonstaronetsy.com/ In October 2015 we expanded to selling on Handmade at Amazon. Then in November 2015 I opened a physical store in Sanford, Maine. Now in June 2016 I have added two more private web sites, this one that showcases not only my handmade items but also the many lines that I sell in the store such as books and magical supplies but a second one, http://www.DragonStarCreations1.com/ that also showcases my hand made lines.
Going forward in 2017, my plan is to add many new product lines and several new designs that I am currently working on. I want to continue to grow the business to the point that I can bring on a couple employees.
A big thank you to all my customers, past, present and future. I wouldn't be here without you. May we all be inspired by Magic!